in response to Why It's Okay to Hate Vegans on my 2 year vegan anniversary, revised.
I am vegan. i am asked why and i often answer simply, because i love animals. i can't stomach eating animals. i can be shy, i don't like to offend. other times, i don't mind speaking my mind on the issue. Two years going strong, i believe more than ever in the vegan message and mission.
growing up, i didn't always show affection towards animals. occasionally, i was even abusive towards my own pet cat and dog. but even then as a kid i knew that animals felt pain, knew fear, and other traits we normally like to reserve for humans. as i grew up, i learned that their trust could be hurt and regained, as well as their love.
at age 22, i first read about the horrors of US factory farms. i was taken back. i didn't realize. i felt hurt about the pain my dietary habits directly caused living creatures. i came to feel culpable and even guilty for my part as the consumer of tortured and abused farm animals. i was mad that i had gone so long, and never known, never taught and never learned. my diet included animal products in every meal. i saw that there was no denying my role in abuse and torture of animals in my everyday actions.
for a few weeks, i tried to reason with myself. "it's okay if...," but at the end of the day, as much as i loved the food i ate and what it represented, i couldn't defend my own voluntary participation in a process with no regard for the pain of an innocent, sentient being. for every argument, there was a counter argument. reality set in. i read a few more books, i needed to know what i would be getting myself into. literally, what would my life be like? is this even do-able?? was i seriously about to ditch all my favorite foods? i didn't know if going cold turkey would work (i smoked cigarettes on and off, still do). well, two years ago yesterday, on the way back from atlantic city, i had a double whopper at a stop on the garden state parkway, followed by a stomach ache and a nap in the car. when i got home, i decided to go vegan, that was the end for me, i never looked back.
since becoming vegan, i have learned much much more. i know about the plight of animals around the world. i've met abused farm animals, and it is as unnerving as meeting any human who has been demoralized and physically hurt. and there is immense joy in watching their recoveries. i've learned about government policies, private industries, and individuals that support abuse against animals. i've also learned about animal rights activists, of all colors. vegans are a caring and passionate group of people. you are sure to meet some crazies among us, but we all share a common idea - that animals deserve the respect that we demand of each other, and continue to hope for. i know that there is a lot animal lovers (vegan or not) can accomplish if we unite against animal abuse through protection, legislation and consumer choices.
in two years, no challenge has changed my mind. it's not always a pleasant experience, which is why i originally started this blog. there are constant obstacles. some people are inquisitive, even combative - i'm amazed when otherwise intelligent non-vegans are dismissive of the issue. i usually don't engage unless when asked. i try to be polite, though i am not always successful. i think its fair and important to share what i learn about the issue of systematized abuse against animals. after all, i read that first book on someone else's suggestion (insistence). i believe in the America where it is your right to tell another person what's on your mind, and also to tell another person to mind their own business and get lost - as long as you are not hurting someone else. modern food production is unnatural, downright cruel and unusual, shameful and heartless. 99.9% of the time there is no excuse for animals to be kept captive, and never merely for the benefit of human preference - from cows, dolphins, and lobsters to bees, humans tend to have a destructive path through nature, and give little concern for the damage of our actions. Vegan Haters: when the day comes that i need to hunt for my food, we'll talk. until then, and i truly believe - peace begins on your plate.
great post! couldn't agree more and you put it so beautifully